Cookies Policy

What are “cookies”?

Cookies are data files stored in end user devices and used by web browsers. They are designed to help recognize the end user device in order to display information based on the users’ personal preferences. “Cookies” normally contain the web address, storage time in the device, and a unique reference number.

What do we use “cookies” for?

The purpose of cookies is to keep track of end user visits and activity. For example, online retailers use cookies to keep track of the items in a user’s shopping cart as the user explores the site further. Without cookies, your shopping cart would reset to zero every time you clicked a new link on the site.

Different types of cookies keep track of different activities. Session cookies are used only when you actively navigate a website; once you leave the site, the session cookie disappears. Tracking cookies can be used to create long-term records of multiple visits to the same site. Authentication cookies track whether a user is logged in, and if so, under what name.

How do we use cookies?

Co do joty uses cookies for a variety of external services. Here is a list of cookies used by our website and the respective purposes they serve:

Google Analytics

Name: _ga, _gid, _gat

Purpose: These are third-party cookies used by Google that allow us to use the Google Analytics service. These cookies are used for anonymous visitor tracking on our website. We use Google Analytics to compile reports and improve the site. The cookies are also passed on to Google Ads to help us with ad targeting.

For more information on Google Analytics, visit the official Google Analytics website.


Name: TawkConnectionTime, __tawkuuid

Purpose: These are third-party cookies used by Tawk that allow us to use the Tawk service. We use Tawk for real-time communication with our customers via our website.

For more information on Tawk, visit the official Tawk website.


Name: __hluid, __cfduid, messagesUtk, hs-messages-is-open

Purpose: These track in-app usage and usage of the Hubspot chat functionality. The ‘__cfduid’ cookie is set by the CloudFlare service to identify trusted web traffic.

For more information on Hubspot, visit the official Hubspot website.


Name: _fbp, fr

Purpose: These are used to show recommendations and ads to Users that may be interested in the advertised products, services or causes. They are used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.

For more information on Facebook, visit the official Facebook website.


Name: bscookie, bcookie, UserMatchHistory, lidc, BizoID

Purpose: These help us perform analyses of Linkedin advertisements: uploads, follows and visits. They allow us to develop statistics and identify tendencies. They also allow us to publish ads targeted to particular professional users.

For more information on LinkedIn, visit the official LinkedIn website.

Enabling and Disabling Cookies

  1. Open your browser.
  2. Find where the cookies are stored. Each browser manages cookies in a different location.
    • For example, in Internet Explorer, you can find them by clicking “Tools,” and then “Internet Options.” From there, select “General” and “Browsing history” and “Settings.”
    • In Chrome, choose “Preferences” from the Chrome menu in the navigation bar, which will display your settings. Then use the “Advanced” option to display “Privacy and security.” From there, open “Content settings” and “Cookies.”
  3. Manage your cookies. Every browser gives you a range of options for enabling or deleting cookies.
    • Internet Explorer, for instance, allows you to manage cookies under “Privacy” and “Advanced.”
    • In Chrome, find where cookies are stored as outlined above, then select your management options under “Cookies.”

Disabling all browser cookies could make some websites difficult to navigate. However, settings controlling or limiting third-party and tracking cookies can help protect your privacy.